7th September - World Duchenne Awareness Day

The third World Duchenne Awareness Day falls on the coming Wednesday, 7th September 2016. The Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disease leading to progressive and irreversible degeneration (atrophy) of muscle tissue. It is a sex linked disease – manifestated mostly in male patients. One in 3500 newborn boys in the world is affected by this rare and lethal condition.

As the last year events were focused mostly on awareness and money raising for education about this rare disease, this year the question of early diagnosis programs will be addressed: as global identification and communication of early symptoms of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a key to an early diagnosis.

More information on the Duchenne disease as well as the activities related to awareness raising about this medical condition can be found on the following website: http://parentproject.org.pl/index.php